Join JRF at a series of three sessions exploring how we can work towards imagining and building fairer futures in which we can all thrive.

Come to one, two or all three sessions.

If you are planning to come to Sessions 2 or 3, we recommend trying to attend Session 1. In this first session we will begin to develop some principles and terms of reference. We will use this space to discuss what it means to gather as a group of people working within the field of emerging futures.

The goal of these sessions is to hold space for those working within an emerging futures context, and explore the types of support people funded through the Emerging Futures Fund might need in addition to funding.

These three sessions are the first steps in growing a community of interest around JRF’s Emerging Futures work, bringing together people already embedded in transition work with others who are beginning to dip their toes in the water. They build on JRF’s Director of Emerging Futures’ initial briefing, and are positioned using data gathered via a survey that went out to people expressing an interest in joining in summer 2022.

Find out more about each session below:

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Workshop 1: Together

Date: Tuesday, 4 October, 11:30-14:00 GMT

To “hold change” or “hold space” is to hold both the people in and the dynamic energy of, a room, a space, a meeting, an organisation, a movement. To hold change is to make it easy for people with shared intentions to be around each other and move towards their vision and values (facilitate), and / or to navigate conflict in a way that is generative and accountable (mediate)…facilitation is making it as easy as possible for groups of people to do the hard work of dreaming, planning, visioning, and organising together; and mediation is supporting people when conflicts or misunderstandings arise that make it hard for them to hear and understand each other in direct conversation

adrienne maree brown


This first session is designed to really focus in on the fabric of what it means to be working together under an emerging futures banner. We will work to develop an understanding of what we mean by ‘collectives,’ how they are built and why they are important to futures work. Through a series of provocations, prompts, and break out discussions, we will continue the emphasis on relationships, connection, and stewardship that was highlighted during the New Frontiers conference (and elsewhere across this developing field of practice).

Together, we will begin to develop a set of community principles, intentions and a glossary of shared terms that will be used and added onto in future sessions.